국제 및 국내 대회 현황

제21회 세계태권도(ITF)선수권대회

조회수 161

The 21st Taekwon-Do World Championships will take place in Plovdiv, Bulgaria on 24-30 Aug. this year. Pursuant to the decisions of the ITF EB Meeting, the Junior & Veteran Taekwon-Do World Championships will be held together with the Adult Championship under the title of the “21st Taekwon-Do World Championships”. It means the COMPETITIONS will be held but divided into 3 categories for Junior, Adult and Veteran in conformity with the ITF Tournament Rules, and thus, 3 overall winners and countries will come out separately from each category. The detailed Info-Pack will be delivered to you all shortly.

  1. The 27th ITF Congress is scheduled in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in the period of the 21st Taekwon-Do World Championships. At the Congress, the ELECTIONs for the ITF EB members with the exception of the President will take place as the President’s term is 6 years but others 4 years. It is reminded & requested to all NGBs to submit your candidates for Vice President or ordinary EB member, if you have, to the ITF HQ not later than the designated date to be notified by the ITF HQ in due course. You are able to refer to the ITF Constitution, which is available on the ITF website, to get the further understandings & knowledges on carrying out your job for it properly & promptly. If the ITF HQ does not receive the submissions for the said candidates from NGBs on time, then ITF EB would recommend the scant number of EB members for Vice Presidents or ordinary EB members according to the Continent respectively.


제21회 세계태권도 선수권대회(청소년, 베테랑 포함)
일정 : 2019년 8월24일-30일
장소 : 불가리아
주최 : 국제태권도연맹(오스트리아 빈)



제21회 세계태권도(ITF)선수권대회

2019년 8월24일-30일

장소 : 불가리아 플로브디프

주최 : 국제태권도연맹(오스트리아 빈)


 국제태권도연맹 사단법인 ITF태권도협회

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사단법인 ITF 태권도협회

대구광역시 동구 해동로 274 4층

Tel. 070-8797-7799|E-mail. itf-korea@hotmail.com

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